Monday, February 9, 2009

Nature V Nurture?

The Study of Adult Development done at Harvard seems to be one of the most informative and reveling studies done on aging so far. By following those three groups of people and doing a longitudinal comparison we can really see how people age physically and mentally. It was good that they accounted for attrition in their study because the people who died during the study obviously differed from those who lived the whole course. As far as psychological health went it wasn't surprising that those who had a better mindset felt better as they aged. By becoming emotionally mature you become better able to handle situations that may have otherwise been distressing. On the flip side if you don't take situations as they come you may fail to emotionally mature and end up not being able to deal with stressful situations. The "sad-sick" were overall mentally and physically undermining themselves. I feel that they didn't fully take into account much genetic pre-disposition to certain ailments and didn't explain what they did find on genetics very thoroughly. I think that genetics may have played a bigger role than they let on. In response to the "Seven Keys to Aging Well" many of those were obvious for living a healthier life. This study must have confirmed what we already knew and added a few more aspects. I think that we do have control of how we age for the most part but we can't rule out factors that we can't control.

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