Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Do you remember?

I think that Alzheimer's disease has to be one of the most devastating diseases that we face today. It doesn't attack you in the most physical sense like Parkinson's or Huntington's disease does but, it attacks your mind. It seems like once you lose your mind you lose yourself and are just left with a shell of what you used to be. The research done on this disease reveals the strange and complex ways that the brain can malfunction which basically causes it to self destruct slowly over time. We know enough to about Alzheimer's to slow it effects in the early stages and I think that someday we may even be able to reverse some of the later stages. People who are about to enter old age have a right to be a fearful of this disease. I think we need some educational programs to teach people what Alzheimer's disease is, what the symptoms are, and to re-assure them that everyone forgets things from time to time. This may even be helpful for researchers to get a better sense of what normal aging looks like and what happens when aging is abnormal by speaking to the people who attend these educational sessions. As far as early detection goes, I think that should be treated like any other early detection test of a disease. If someone wants to know what their percentage is for getting Alzheimer's then they can go and find out. However some people may not want to know what their fate may hold for them and that should be respected too. If I had to make that decision I probably wouldn't want to know. Knowing myself I would want to enjoy life instead of ruminating about what was to come for me eventually.

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